...I'm going to Korea in February for a year :D
I'm going to be studying at Yonsei University, in Seoul. I absolutely loved Seoul when I was there this summer (only got to spend about 7 days there, booooooo), and I'm super excited to get back there...not to mention stalk the SM headquarters! muahahaha! anyways, I've decided that I want to start a second blog to cover my time there. Only, as we all know I am terrible about blogging - mostly because nothing interesting ever happens to me, and when it does it's usually negative so I just end up using my blog to bitch about it lol - so if I *do* start one, y'all need to PESTER me to keep it up. Savvy?
Oh, if anyone is wondering...I haven't bought my ticket yet, but I've looked at dates and fares and I think I've decided to leave February 7th, in order to get there the evening of the 8th (flying time + 16 hour time difference = technically takes more than one day to travel). Which means I'm gonna be spending my 21st there :D Not so special when you consider that I'm already old enough to legally drink - and do other things - there. But that's alright. Oh, soju, how I miss you~ I've already made plans to spend the day with one of my friends (she was my first co-teacher at English camp this summer). Her hometown is Gwangju and she goes to school in Suncheon (in the south; opposite end of the country from Seoul, haha) but she will come up and we will spend the day together :)) Her birthday is on the 19th of February, so only 8 days after mine! Ahhh I miss her. I'm so glad we text all the time :)
Alright, I really need to go now and write a Japanese literature paper on something I didn't read. Peace out.