Sunday, December 21, 2008

Best. Websites. Ever.

I think everyone who bothers to keep up with my blog (or anyone who knows me, really) already knows this is one of my favorite web pages ever. It's a blog done by this American dude who lives in Japan. He used to teach English as part of the JET Programme, but once he finished with that he decided to continue to live/work there. He even recently got married to a Japanese woman over there. This blog will completely blow any of your preconceived notions about Japan right out of the water; yet if Japan truly fascinates you it will only increase that amazement. He updates on average about once a week, so it's something that I constantly check up on. So, you should check up on it too.

Holy Crap...What is there to say? I think Cyanide & Happiness says it all. This comic is ranked second on my personal list of favorite comics (the first being Calvin & Hobbes; I've been reading it since I was five years old and it's pretty much set the bar for comic strips). It's updated every day, and it's done by four different dudes, so there's always something different.

Only the coolest man in the universe. I recently decided to live my life in the Tucker Max way (the telling-others-exactly-what-I-think-about-them-even-though-it's-unwarranted-but-I- don't-give-a-shit thing, not necessarily the whole sexual debauchery thing. But I could do that too.) and I've found I'm a much happier person. The people I give my free opinions too aren't so happy, but they aren't as important as me anyways, so it's all gravy. The only other thing I can say is that pretty much all of the content is pretty dirty in nature, so yeah there's a lot of people who would be bothered by that. If you are one of those people, you are not cool enough to even be within 20 links of that page. But it's the funniest shit ever. Like, gasping-for-breath, omgwtfbbq, coma-inducing laughter. "But how can you go into a coma from laughing?" you ask? Why, from the lack of oxygen to your brain, of course.

I haven't actually read through a whole lot on this particular web page yet, but I chanced across it a few days ago. My entire train of thought went like this: "The string theory has its own website...and it is aimed at nonscientists...I feel so bad for my future kids because of all the shit they'll be expected to know." Because of course I know nothing about theoretic physics. But then, I blame the schools for that.

also under

I think this one is quite axiomatic.

1 comment:

David said...

ok I went to gaijinsmash and tucker to the max. both were quite entertaining.