Sunday, March 14, 2010

Results of my English midterm!

I got an A on it! (a 90, but that's still an A!) on the other hand, I think I may have failed a test in my Buried Cities and Lost Tribes class...seriously. I'm not joking, I think I failed it. :( I've never failed a test in my life...I'm just so pissed that the test was on stuff that we didn't really go over. But oh well, I'm not gonna spend too long feeling crappy about it, I learned the hard way that that's how you get ulcers. On the plus side, I've been taking the antibiotics for about a day and a half now, and the itchy bumps definitely seem to be going away...I'm just going to hope that they continue to do so.

I was talking to my cousin Alex (who lives in Vienna) on Facebook, and we were talking about things to do while I was there. Since he's a native Austrian, I asked him what suggested. One of the things he said was taking a trip to Bratislava (capital of Slovakia)! He said that a couple of years ago they started offering a boat service that traveled up the Danube and got you to Bratislava within an hour...that's so awesome! Now, I don't really know if there's anything to do in Slovakia, but hell, it's an opportunity to see more of Europe and its culture...I can hardly wait! Now I just need to save up money... ^_^;


David said...

I am so jealous of you

Ritsuka said...

I'm jealous that you got to spend time in Saudi Arabia - that's pretty badass. And you talking about schwarma all the time always makes me want one :(

David said...

they have schwarma in some parts of europe. my cousin said they had them in romania when she lived there.

Ritsuka said...

In that case...come summer, the Great European Schwarma Hunt shall commence!!